We left Greymouth on Wednesday 4th of September heading to a M'home rally organised by the Nelson/Tasman area in Murchison. We drove through to Reefton where we thought we might stay the night, however after lunch and a wander around town we decided to carry on as it was very cold and drizzly, we travelled through Inangahua Junction and the beautiful Upper Buller Gorge.
On arrival we found our friends Peter and Linda had arrived the day before along with several other vans, and over the next couple of days the numbers built up till over 60 vans were there for the weekend it was really crammed.
Friday night we were entertained by Peter Gordon and Annie ? ? who told the story of Henry Lawson an Australian Poet, the guest of honor for the weekend was Jack Drake, an Australian bush poet and a born entertainer, so Saturday night was one long laugh. It was a fantastic night. We bought a CD and book of his work.
We enjoyed Murchison, a nice little friendly town with the most amazing second hand shop plus an interesting museum and good areas for walking and biking.
Most people moved out on Sunday but we stayed until Monday and spent half the day exploring the beautiful Buller Gorge's including the remains of Lyell, an old mining area with lots of interesting walks and a cemetery up in the bush. We arrived in Westport mid afternoon, and had a wander round town for an hour or two, then back on the road heading south to spend the night beside the Fox river where it hits the coast, quite an interesting area with several caves through the headland, also the old bridge which is being restored. There were two other vans in that night one being a waitbaiter.
Wednesday morning dawned grey and threatening, our first stop was at Punakaiki, however when we stopped, the rain started, so we carried on back to Greymouth arriving early afternoon. We have been camped here at Jayne's since. We have done some exploring by car the surrounds of Greymouth - the weather has been patchy a couple of days of heavy rain but the past week has been great, rain overnight but beautiful sunny days.
So until next time . . . . .
On arrival we found our friends Peter and Linda had arrived the day before along with several other vans, and over the next couple of days the numbers built up till over 60 vans were there for the weekend it was really crammed.
Friday night we were entertained by Peter Gordon and Annie ? ? who told the story of Henry Lawson an Australian Poet, the guest of honor for the weekend was Jack Drake, an Australian bush poet and a born entertainer, so Saturday night was one long laugh. It was a fantastic night. We bought a CD and book of his work.
We enjoyed Murchison, a nice little friendly town with the most amazing second hand shop plus an interesting museum and good areas for walking and biking.
Most people moved out on Sunday but we stayed until Monday and spent half the day exploring the beautiful Buller Gorge's including the remains of Lyell, an old mining area with lots of interesting walks and a cemetery up in the bush. We arrived in Westport mid afternoon, and had a wander round town for an hour or two, then back on the road heading south to spend the night beside the Fox river where it hits the coast, quite an interesting area with several caves through the headland, also the old bridge which is being restored. There were two other vans in that night one being a waitbaiter.
Wednesday morning dawned grey and threatening, our first stop was at Punakaiki, however when we stopped, the rain started, so we carried on back to Greymouth arriving early afternoon. We have been camped here at Jayne's since. We have done some exploring by car the surrounds of Greymouth - the weather has been patchy a couple of days of heavy rain but the past week has been great, rain overnight but beautiful sunny days.
So until next time . . . . .